CoDesigner Personal License



A nicely designed shop and checkout process leave a long-lasting good impression on the visitors’ minds and that definitely results in handsome sales volume.

You can customize EVERY part of your store using CoDesigner; no matter if it’s your shop page, a single product, or even the checkout page.

✅ Email Designer 🔥
✅ Shop Designs
✅ Product Filters
✅ Checkout Customization 🔥
✅ Cart Customization 🔥
✅ Header, Footer, and Shop templates
✅ Cross-Domain Copy-Paste
✅ Product Filters
✅ Single Product Components
✅ Pricing Tables
✅ Related Products
✅ Image Gallery
✅ Wishlist
✅ Tabs
✅ Dynamic Tabs
✅ Customer Reviews
✅ Sales Notification
✅ My Account 🔥
✅ And many more…


CoDesigner comes with 10 stunning and eye-catching shop designs that will blow your mind. 4 of these come with the free version and 6 of these with the pro version. And these are highly customizable. So, editing a WooCommerce shop and making your own design requires only an easy-to-use WooCommerce customization plugin called CoDesigner.

Here are the 10 WooCommerce shop design widgets available with CoDesigner. There are unlimited customization options. You can edit and design shop widgets in your way.

✅ Shop Classic
✅ Shop Beauty
✅ Shop Standard
✅ Shop Flip (Pro)
✅ Shop Trendy (Pro)
✅ Shop Curvy
✅ Shop Curvy Horizontal (Pro)
✅ Shop Slider
✅ Shop Accordion (Pro)
✅ Shop Table (Pro)


Ever wondered if you could customize your WooCommerce cart page? CoDesigner made it possible.

All the components of a WooCommerce cart can be customized. You can change the layout, fields, fonts, color, columns, etc. Design an awesome cart according to your preferences so that it inspires visitors to complete checkout.

✅ Cart Items
✅ Cart Overview
✅ Coupon Form


Do you want to add new fields to the billing form? Or in the Order Note section? Maybe you want users to be able to add a special note or their date of birth while placing an order? You can do this with CoDesigner.

Customizing WooCommerce Checkout with Elementor is not possible but CoDesigner lets you edit, add and remove WooCommerce Checkout fields. It includes 6 main components of a checkout page-

✅ Billing Address (Pro)
✅ Shipping Address (Pro)
✅ Order Notes (Pro)
✅ Order Review (Pro)
✅ Payment Methods (Pro)
✅ Thank You, Screen (Pro)
✅ Checkout Login (Pro)
✅ Order Pay (Pro)


Finally, it’s done! CoDesigner has made it possible to customize WooCommerce notification emails with Elementor. The world has been waiting for such as a solution for ages.

First, you create your own email template with CoDesigner and then use the template for the type of event e.g. new order, complete order, customer invoice, new account, password reset, etc. It is applicable to all the different types of WooCommerece’s emails. There are unlimited customization options. So, customize in a way that reflects your brand and helps you stand out from the competition.

✅ Email Header (Pro)
✅ Email Footer (Pro)
✅ Email Items Details (Pro)
✅ Email Billing Address (Pro)
✅ Email Shipping Address (Pro)
✅ Email Order Notes (Pro)
✅ Email Description (Pro)



Customers always love to get the appropriate products they are looking for. With the help of CoDesigner, you can allow your customers to filter products on the shop page.

Allow customers to filter products by taxonomies, prices, ratings, or custom attributes as well as sort them by title, date, top seller, most reviewed, and 11 attributes as such.

It is notable that product filtering by multiple conditions is possible with the filters offered by CoDesigner.

Based on your page layout, we bring 2 filter widgets-

✅ Horizontal Filter
✅ Vertical Filter (Pro)

As the name suggests the two filters perform the same way with the same number of filtering criteria, the only difference is how they are shown beside the WooCommerce archive page’s product grid.


Want to create a user-friendly product page? Then CoDesigner is for you. Our plugin gives you the ability to change every portion of the product page.

A nicely designed product page is the first step to impressing your customers and CoDesigner makes it easier for you.

CoDesigner brings 19 widgets to power up your WooCommerce product page. You can change the color, typography, and layout of each of the widgets in any way imaginable.

✅ Product Title
✅ Product Price
✅ Product Rating
✅ Product Upsell
✅ Breadcrumbs
✅ Product Short Description
✅ Product Variations
✅ Add to Cart
✅ Product SKU
✅ Product Stock
✅ Additional Information
✅ Product Data Tabs
✅ Product Meta
✅ Product Categories
✅ Product Tags
✅ Product Thumbnail


It is really challenging to show product prices on tables that are beautiful and informative at the same time. Most of the interested buyers have a look at the products’ pricing table section at least once. Any ambiguity here can make the visitor leave with a bad impression. That’s why a nicely presented WooCommerce product pricing table is of paramount importance.

CoDesigner brings 5 wonderful pricing tables to display your products’ pricing plans.

✅ Pricing Table Advanced
✅ Pricing Table Smart (Pro)
✅ Pricing Table Basic
✅ Pricing Table Regular (Pro)
✅ Pricing Table Fancy (Pro)


When displaying a product, showcase related products and incite your customers to purchase more. Research shows that it works.

CoDesigner has 7 widgets included to show the related products that can be added on a single product page or even on the homepage. These widgets are highly customizable. You can change the layout and designs as per your needs. These widgets include-

✅ Related Products Classic
✅ Related Products Standard
✅ Related Products Flip (Pro)
✅ Related Products Trendy (Pro)
✅ Related Products Curvy
✅ Related Products Accordion (Pro)
✅ Related Products Table (Pro)


Without a CoDesigner designed WooCommerce product gallery, the product page is incomplete. Visitors need to check the product variations to make a purchase decision. The 3 product gallery widgets of CoDesigner are just awesome. They help you make impressive WooCommerce shops.

✅ Fancybox
✅ LC Lightbox
✅ Box Slider


The perfect way to keep your content organized. CoDesigner can help you showcase both static texts or pre-made templates in a beautiful way! CoDesigner’s Dynamic Tabs also help you create nested tabs. i.e. tabs under tabs.

✅ Dynamic Tabs (Pro)


It’s always important to showcase what your valuable customers say about your business. And CoDesigner helps you add eye-catching user reviews to spread their words.

We’ve added 2 widgets for this and more widgets are coming soon.

✅ Reviews Classic
✅ Reviews Standard (Pro)


Everyone loves using tabs to display information. Content tabs help us present content in a structured way and also save space on the site. It helps to show more content using less space on your site. With CoDesigner’s Tabs widget you can create custom WooCommerce product tabs as well as other tabs.

Choose your favorite tab from our list-

✅ Basic
✅ Classic
✅ Fancy
✅ Beauty


This built-in feature allows your customers to add products to their wish list that are to be presented in a beautiful tabular view.

✅ Wishlist (Pro)

They can add those products to the cart right from the wishlist page.


Last but not least, CoDesigner helps customize the My Account page. You can change the tab orientation, style, typography and many more.

✅ My Account


  • This plugin uses a third-party service to import templates from, using the native Elementor template importer and it doesn’t include your sensitive data like email or password for example.
  • We’re using LoopedIn to display our development roadmap, and changelog and to receive feedback from users using iFrame in the admin dashboard.

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