Installation & Configuration Service




  • Transform your blank WordPress site into a fully functional platform resembling our demo site in just 24 hours with our Demomeb Turnkey Platform Installation and Configuration service. We acknowledge the uniqueness of every store and brand, which is why we invite you to reach out to us immediately after purchasing the service. To initiate the process, please submit a ticket with the subject “DFY Installation”.
  • Please note that you have a 30-day window from the date of purchase to initiate contact regarding the Installation and Configuration service. After this period, the service will be forfeited.

Service Requirements:

    • A clean WordPress site devoid of content or third-party plugins upon installation
    • Accessible website domain

By opting for this service, you agree to the following terms:

  • Your site will be configured to mirror the design and functionality of the demo website corresponding to the plan purchased.
  • Any additional content installed by our team, if requested, will closely align with the plan’s demo website but may not be tailored to your specific niche.
  • Experience hassle-free setup and customization tailored to your needs with our Demomeb Turnkey Platform Installation and Configuration service.

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